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The Only Radio Station Dedicated to the Green Industry.
The Full Story
After many years of broadcasting on local stations and on IHeartRadio, Darren M. Gruner | CEO & Founder Turf’s Up Radio, realized that he was not alone. There were many more like him who were doing podcasts trying to help elevate and educate the green industry, sharing many years of experience with those who were eager to get help. However, they were all dealing with a similar problem. No one really knew who their listeners were.
Darren realized that even as large a platform as iHeartRadio, there was no way of knowing
who was actually listening. He knew that green industry pros and even those who
needed exposure to their brand were desperate for a dedicated platform to ensure
that their message was being heard by people who were actually interested in what they were talking about. Darren found the answer.
Combining podcasting with live, 24/7 radio and making good use of the internet, Darren
created Turf’s Up Radio to connect like minded professionals with those who want to
be better in business and those who want exposure to their brand, to those who were eager for help. His idea to build one platform which would appeal to pros all around the world, Turf’s Up Radio would provide a guarantee that those who tune in are interested in all that is being talked about.
From its official LIVE roll out on February 14, 2019, Turf’s Up Radio’s efforts to build
new relationships and bring like minded professionals together to connect the
industry, has gotten stronger every day. It’s dedicated platform has gained huge
attention and amazing interest from green industry professionals, podcasters,
marketing strategists, live show and event coordinators and even DIYers from all
over the world.
Turf’s Up Radio is the first and only LIVE 24/7 radio station dedicated to the green
industry. Those who want to be better in business and product manufacturers who
want to know that their message is being heard, can now all benefit by sharing one
common platform.
Finally! Heard all over the world, Turf’s Up Radio now offers all green industry pros
an easy way to account for their listeners. Problem solved!